Doppelgäng Bang

Last week we witnessed what the miracles of social networking can bring to Facebook; celebrity doppelganger week. People everywhere were making their profile pictures their celebrity look-a-like. And since most of you aren’t English majors, doppelganger is German for double, or look-a-like. Some called it a chance to “dream big” (does choosing your best-looking celebrity match make you conceited?) while others deemed it depressing (too many people I know look like Saved By The Bell cast members circa early 90s).

I happen to have an incredible knack for picking people’s celebrity look-a-likes, except for myself. I stumbled across this handy Website,, and waited an eternity to upload my photo and see my match (the site actually had a warning that they were handling “Doppelganger Week” and to expect delays). My matches came back as Jessica Simpson (lies. I think hair color is about all we have in common), Kate Bosworth (that girl from Blue Crush), and Sarah Jessica Parker (funny, I don’t remember uploading a picture of a horse?), and some Russian ballet dancer from the 1920s. Oh, and let’s not forget Keanu Reeves. Can I get a “what on Earth?!” already?

Maybe you can use doppelganger week to get in that Valentine’s Day mood; be a creepy weirdo and search through your Facebook friends until you find that “celebrity” you’ve always dreamt of sharing a special moment with (be it a warm shot of McCormick’s or dinner and a movie) and ask them to be your Valentine. Or it could be a role-playing game if you’re already a couple (I once dated a Burt Reynolds look-a-like, ha!). Ah, the brilliant ideas that come pouring out of my mind when I’m an hour past Odyssey deadline!

Some people’s doppelgangers would be easy to pick out; so easy that you may not even notice they change their profile picture. A butch female gym teacher easily would pass for Michael Cera. The kind, bearded man who used to work at Hotbox and is now employed at Where Else? is obviously Zach Galifianakis. The place I had an internship this summer was like working on the set of “Lost,” especially in the shipping department where there were twins of Hurley and Sayid. I’m just waiting to find me a Christian Bale or Kevin Costner doppelganger…yum.

Published February 10, 2010

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